Category Archives: Arts

Foggy memories of olden days

Deborah Price Hughes - Meat Cleaver LadyRecently came across some old art and writings by a pseudonym whom Pawn had the Fortune to date many years ago, Deborah Price Hughes. (etc.). Her earlier history is partially documented in A SECRET HISTORY OF GOAL ZERO POETRY GROUP which includes these snippets:

There were only two female members who survived this atmosphere for any length of time. One was Yolanda Martinez and the other was Deborah Price Hughes

Yolanda could party with the best of them, wrote well, but still came and went periodically; an atmosphere in which we tried to out-drink and out-yell each other on a weekly basis and once in awhile read a new poem seemed to be too much for any woman. The open admiration for guns, knives and tales of warfare among various core members probably didn’t help. Deborah Price Hughes Etc.(she was always amending her name) lasted for an even shorter length of time, leaving after the Second Anniversary reading and not returning until the Fifth Anniversary event.

The noise scared off a portion of the then-gathering audience, as I recall. It was about that time when Mike Rosolek wrestled Deborah Price Etc. to the floor in a vain attempt to drink wine from one of her shoes. Such was the atmosphere that a woman had to tolerate to be part of Goal Zero.

The most notable aspect of the whole event is that it began with the onset of the city’s longest heat wave on 8/1/88. Temperatures hit over 100 that first day, recorded out at 106 at some point, and never fell below 95 in seven days and nights. The whir of fans, multiplying as the days went by, competed with the insufferable dun of over-recorded tape loops.

We sat around pouring sweat, read books desultorily, once in awhile someone said something. We drank large quantities of beer, changed tapes and kept the increasingly abusive audience at bay with stolen yellow “construction area-keep out” tape. The heat wave broke finally, just a little, with a tremendous electrical storm that Friday afternoon, just when Deborah Price Etc., who’d come back for the event and found us just as disgusting as ever, launched into an incredible and all-too-true denunciation. She recounted all the events of the disasterous Second Anniversary reading and inspired the present audience to revolt, all in righteous payback for being toppled and having her shoe wrestled off lo those three years previous. As she said, “When the knives come out, I leave.”

It was a tremendous performance and the one tape cassette out of 39 that played back clearly, complete with the hoots and hollers from the audience. But although John made three copies of each tape, nobody can locate that particular tape to this day, all existing copies having disappeared in some mysterious God-like way. Nonetheless, it was danged cathartic.

Pawn met Deb a year after these cataclysmic events, when she was perfecting her color copier art (as evinced in “Meat Cleaver Lady,” above).  Deborah inspired “The Dream of the Mirror” elsewhere in this blog.

Drug addicts and greater sensibilities soon intervened, but those were halcyon days, or at least salad. Expectations seldom live up to memories, now do they.

Sex on the mind

Sex and Chocolate

“Hot chick on cell: Yes! Yes! O-M-G! We are sooo going to have a sex-a-thon! Get the girls together, my place, tonight! [To gawking passengers] Sex and the City -athon. Fucking perverts. W-T-F.”
From Overheard in New York, 3/21/2007

What makes me really sick is how New York now looks like a bad imitation of Sex and the City.
Chris Noth, quoted in the Intelligencer, in New York magazine.

Trouble with New York is that here in London, Sex and the City is a comedy. Over there, it’s a documentary.
Anonymous Londoner quoted in New York magazine.

Consider Yourself Warned
Middle school boy: Yo, you ever seen that show Sex and the City on HBO?
Three friends: No.
Middle school boy: I thought there’d be mad sex on it. There wasn’t any! They should call that show ‘White Bitches Talking.’

–Brooklyn Middle School
via Overheard in New York, Apr 5, 2007

My whack neighborhood

Here’s a couple of photos from FortuneLand, to show you, the able reader, just how strange real life can be.
See what happened here? Some fool prefers your average conifer to the locally prevalent deciduous trees, so they denuded a friendly pine and strung its balls (as it were) from this lowly bush. So they have unwittingly created a kind of hybrid tree, a chimera if you will. How insanely modern.

Here we see what happens when elitism goes horribly awry. These people have obviously spent a lot of money to inhabit this expensive lakeside home, and to purchase formidable statuary, and even more to have these very fashionable leather frocks custom made for that statuary. See how nicely they fit? Multiple fittings cost money too, you know. Let’s applaud this show of taste on Milwaukee’s East Side.

Greening the Man – or how do you burn without polluting?

Green Man

Fresh from the counter-culture wires. Burning Man, that annual bacchanal in the Nevada dessert, has had an environmental epiphany. They have decided to attempt a zero carbon footprint for the next festival. Here is the skinny:

Greening the Man

In 2007, we will calculate the amount of climate changing gases that are released into the air by the construction and the burning of the Man and its pedestal. This is called a carbon footprint. Then we’ll
sponsor projects in the outside world that will efface this imprint. Such actions might include the planting of trees or the development of non-polluting energy resources.


Having played with fire, we’ll take care to cleanse its atmospheric playground.


We are taking some radical measures to ensure that Black Rock City will be the largest “Green” community in the world. These steps will all be covered soon in more detail but this is the outline.


1. A Vehicle free Playa.

No gas powered vehicles will be parked within the perimeter of Black Rock City. We
will have an adjacent parking area approximately a quarter of a mile away. Cars and trucks will be able to unload at camp but then must park in the lot. Those choosing to come in RVs will have a separate RV lot to park in. We will also be operating a number of bio-diesel fueled buses to bring you and your equipment from the parking area to your camps. Art Cars will not be affected by this.


2. People are the Power.

Another step we are taking is a power grid for all of Burningman. We will not be allowing generators this year unless they run on bio-diesel or a solar source. We will be providing a solar power grid for Burningman assisted by a “power plant” run by the power of Burningman attendees. We will have bicycles and “hamster wheels” that YOU will use to power all of Burningman. We are still working out how access to the grid will be provided and details will be given soon.

3. “Burning Potties”

We have reached a deal with Incinolet to use their new waste system that uses a powerful heater and blower to reduce your human waste into ash. We will provide participants with plenty of ash bags.


By starting with these simple steps we will continue to ensure that

Burningman is a proving ground for a better society.

What about this whole “Carbon Offset” concept? Can we really build a trading economy based upon sin-transference?

Whiteboard Web Design

No One Belongs Here More Than You

A wordsmith friend of Pawn sent this link to a delightful piece of self-promotion by author Miranda July. It is well worth the time to step through the entire slide show.

Follow up: New York magazine, April 23, 2007 issue, The Approval Matrix had this entry:
“, quite possibly the most endearing Website ever.”

Long Live the Stooges!

Chaos at the Line Where Performer and Audience Blur

Iggy Pop and The Stooges took to the stage at the United Palace Theater, and proved that some things just don’t change. Pawn actually remembers going to see Iggy at Milwaukee’s lovely Riverside Theater almost twenty years ago, and deciding that the balcony was the safest place from which to enjoy the show. At the United Palace, Iggy invited the audience to “Invade the stage” and they took him up on it.

More covereage here: Music Review | Iggy Pop and The Stooges

Guided by Voices (and history).

Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE)Pres. Jed Bartlett (fictional)

On’s recent Virtual Town Hall Meeting, Democratic presidential candidates were asked by a woman from Coconut Grove, Florida “In your opinion, what is the best and fastest way to get out of Iraq?” Here is Sen. Joe Biden’s (D-DE) response:

To be responsible, one has to be able to answer a two-word question in
my view after you’ve put forward what you think should be done, and
that is: Then what? After we pull our troops out, then what? After we
cap troops, then what? After we cut partial funding, then what?

This is very reminiscent of a response given by President Jed Bartlett in a fictional debate with a Republican challenger in season 4 of The West Wing. In response to Florida Gov. Richie’s “ten word answer” to a question, Barlett responds:

What comes next? That’s the important thing, what comes next? Every once in a while, every once in a while, there’s a day with an absolute right and an absolute wrong, but those days almost always include body counts. Other than that, there aren’t very many un-nuanced moments in leading a country that’s way too big for ten words. I’m the President of the United States, not the President of the people who agree with me.

Now is Sen. Biden honestly asking the question or is he (consciously or not) influenced by the hidden hand of Aaron Sorkin, much as he was guided by the voices of Abraham Lincoln and Neil Kinnock during his aborted 1988 presidential campaign?

For what it’s worth, Pawn agrees with Biden on this (and with Bartlett on his query). There are no good answers on Iraq, and very few good questions, for that matter. Its a shame that Biden’s own policy positions are nowhere near as nuanced as the understanding revealed by his simple question, “Then what?”